Black Consciousness

∴ ∴ Black Consciousness ∴ ∴

March 14, 2013


Citgo HQ

Subject Facts & Analysis
Citgo CITGO's Vision, Mission, & Values:
Integrity: "We are honest and open with each other, our customers and our stakeholders. We recognize that integrity in all that we do is essential to our long-term success."
So says the company that conducted a 14-year hoax with the CIA. One that used racist caricatures, political smears, lies mocking cancer and death... which is all very consistent with their stated mission:
Mission: "We will create the maximum value for our Shareholder through the strength of our people. We will efficiently and reliably provide the energy that fuels societies' economies and improves our quality of life."
Nice to know "Shareholder" is considered a proper noun by these folks....

Hugo Chavez, or the actor who played him, isn't dead yet. So keep your eyes open, as they say, and we may get to question him still on the unending chaos being spread with our gas money.