Black Consciousness

∴ ∴ Black Consciousness ∴ ∴

May 30, 2014

Maya Angelou

My Heroes - Maya Angelou connected with countless people through her powerful poetryCivil Rights leader and Beat poet Maya Angelou has died. She was pretty old.

During her lifetime, Maya was raped. She is also credited with discovering the causes behind flight-restricted birds communicating in song. One clear sign of her greatness is how many schools in the U.S. require reading her books.

In 1970, Maya was nominated for a National Book Award and appeared on The New York Times bestseller list, along with Michael Crichton’s Andromeda Strain, which was later turned into film.

Although available on DVD, a definitive blu-ray edition of Andromeda Strain has yet to be released.

May 2, 2014

Richard Nixon

Ballet scene at the Great Hall of the People attended by President and Mrs. Nixon during their trip to Peking, China - NARA - 194416
“The ballet was of course... as you all know... it had its message."  -President Nixon
Mao always said that if you can't say anything nice, then don't say anything. However it wasn't the evening's sponsors who stifled the President's views on the Red Women's Detachment ballet and prevented him from saying how much he liked it. Instead it was his own evil press and advisers – many of whom knew, roughly, the real story behind President Kennedy's death eight years earlier and helped cover it up. It's possible that President Nixon had this in mind when he spoke rather cautiously afterward.
Richard Nixon 09 Jul 1972
Sadly, his restraint failed to win favor with the goons minding his presidency. Only four months after his visit, the same circle of inner elites helped orchestrate Watergate scandal.  These bastards knew exactly how to exploit American paranoia by focusing on some "missing" audio tapes.  Like the gun that is missing from your coat pocket right now... That actually proves you carried a murder weapon, n'est pas?

No Western reporters should ever be trusted inside China. They lie and are arrogant. They are mean to their own people. And the same giant egos are still working in journalism to this day.

Historians like claiming that only President Nixon could go to China in 1972, for some unexplained reasons. If only he had really done that.  Next time come alone, Mr. President.

May 1, 2014


Black molly1
About Molly

In nature, Poecilia sphenops is a species of fish, known under the common name molly. Mollys inhabit fresh water streams and coastal brackish waters of Mexico.  In news media, "molly" is a drug used by kids. They inhabit the party scene and coastal gutters of America.  Kids communicate with each other through dance and by pheromones.

CNN says molly drug is "flooding the western world" and "coming from laboratories inside China".  US DEA calls American drug habit... "Russian" roulette.  (Think you mean Yankee roulette, scapegoating fools.)  CNN continues:
"U.S. officials say they are discussing the issue with the Chinese government, but most of these chemicals are legal in China."
Tell you what let's do:  China takes control of Long Island island, one dozen harbors, and eight-million taels of silver. China also wins right to sell drugs anywhere in USA.  Also please arrest liar Sarah Bajc, and stop trying to cause turmoil in the only stable society China has had in centuries. Then China may shut down those labs, if they even exist.