Black Consciousness

∴ ∴ Black Consciousness ∴ ∴

September 25, 2013

Times Square

Item Subject Speculation
M & M's Times SquareTimes Square is located in New York, USA, where the signs are so big that pedestrians are forced to read ads full of bad advice. This is also the site of the American government's vicious crack crackdown that claimed many lives during the 1980s - most of them poor people.

Politics aside, let's see how colors are treated differently by Mars company. (For the planet Mars, see here.) Blue is on top, and oh look... red is on the bottom!  Orange is being pulled toward blue, somewhat, while yellow has "cowered" away by a notch. Green is green, let's say, and it isn't so strange that purple is missing since those M&M's went away in the 1940s...  Purple always does what it wants.

It is an interesting historical note that red color M&M's vanished under President Jimmy Carter, only to reappear under Ronald Reagan's authority next decade. What internal strife caused these sudden changes? We may never have a true answer, since U.S. regime is very corrupt and shrouded in mystery.