Black Consciousness

∴ ∴ Black Consciousness ∴ ∴

March 2, 2013

Elizabeth Smart

Elizabeth Smart

Name Occupation Facts & Analysis
Elizabeth Smart • Advocate
• Foundation President
• ABC News commentator
To say that Elizabeth Smart "went willingly with her kidnapper" is misleading. The entire story was fabricated from start to finish... and it's a story that's never quite finished. From Wikipedia:
[In 2008] she traveled to Washington, D.C., where she helped present a book, You're Not Alone, published by the U.S. Department of Justice ... [In 2009] she spoke at the Women's Conference in California hosted by Maria Shriver, on overcoming obstacles in life ... [In 2011] it was announced that she would be a commentator for ABC News, mainly focusing on missing persons.
Nice career there... it's too bad all jobs can't be that secure.

Do you feel "aware" and "educated", little citizen, on the dangers of kidnapping and LDS fringe? Perhaps you'd like to thank The Elizabeth Smart Foundation with a donation.

Ms. Smart survived kidnapping like Angie Gomez overcame cancer — the main difference being blonde hair and blue eyes, which no one dares question unlike poor Angie Gomez.